The ISMIR Society, Women in MIR, and local organizers are offering a number of financial support opportunities for members of the community who wish to attend the 18th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), October 23-27 in Suzhou, China.
Award Types
Eligible parties may apply for any or all of the following forms of support:
- Registration waivers for tutorials and scientific program (main conference)
- Housing in the Jinjiang Inn Suzhou, a hotel located 5 minutes from the conference venue. (Note that students electing to use this housing may be required to share rooms due to high demand).
Awards are granted based on the quality of the accepted submission, the degree of financial need, the applicant’s newness to ISMIR, and the applicant’s geographical diversity.
Student Author Grants are available for first or supporting authors of an accepted full paper who were students at the time of paper submission.
Women in MIR (WiMIR) Grants are being offered thanks to the generous support of industry partners to female first or supporting authors of accepted full papers, as well as female first authors of accepted late-breaking demo (LBD) submissions. Applicants do NOT need to be students to apply for the WiMIR Award.
Unaffiliated Author Grants will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you have an accepted ISMIR paper; were not a student when you wrote the paper; and will not be provided conference support by your employer you may indicate so in the comments section of the application.
Application Procedure
The application form for both awards can be found here:
Applicants will have the opportunity to indicate which award(s) they are eligible for. Those meeting eligibility criteria for both awards will be considered for both.
Applications close on June 29, 2017; notification of acceptance will be made on July 10, 2017.
Round 2 of the WiMIR travel awards for the ISMIR2017 conference are open:
Application form:
Deadline to apply: August 31, 2017
Acceptance notifications: September 8, 2017
Deadline to submit completed LBD draft (for LBD recipients): October 8, 2017
Deadline to complete minor LBD revisions and submit final version (for LBD recipients): October 22, 2017
If you have applied for a waiver to the tutorials and/or scientific program please do not register for the conference before being notified of your application’s status. Doing so will nullify your application.
Also note that if you are applying for the WiMIR Award based on a LBD submission, you must submit your near completed LBD entry by September 1, 2017. Otherwise you will lose your qualification for the award.
Any questions may be sent to
Thank you to our generous sponsors who contributed specifically to ISMIR2017 travel grants: